Electrical, Electronics, Automation and Controls (EEAC)
Event Dates: Monday, 21 March 2022 - Saturday, 26 March 2022
Program Objectives
On completion of this programme, the participant will be able to:
- Refresh concepts of Electricity & Electrical Components
- Understand safety and maintenance procedures for the various shipboard systems.
- Understand concepts of Semiconductor Physics and electronics
- Gain knowledge on application of electronic devices on board ships
- Acquire knowledge of instruments, process control and automation
- Have a clear understanding of electronic and digital automation.
Program Contents
Section A – Electrical
- Introduction to Electrical Basics, Electrical Safety and understand the electrical circuit diagrams & symbols.
- Introduction to Electrical Hand tools and Instruments, its usage and operating principle
- Power Generation and Electrical Distribution
- Motors – Operating Principle, Control and maintenance
- Starters- Operation, Control and maintenance
- Batteries- Types, Operation and maintenance
- Circuit Protection Devices – Circuit Breakers, Fuses &
- Switchgear safeties.
- Electrical Troubleshooting – Case Studies
Section B – Electronics
- Basics of electronics; Semiconductors, Diodes and Transistors
- Reading of various electronic charts, symbols and circuit diagrams
- Op. Amps and Thyristors and their application
Section C – Automation and Controls
- Introduction to Automation and Controls-Open Loop & Closed Loop System
- Sensors, Transducers and Controllers
- PID control and tuning, Final Control Elements
- PLC Introduction and Concept of Ladder Diagram